

[caption id="attachment_24683" align="alignnone" width="226"] Photo credit odds_n_ends_treasures ebay store[/caption] Looking back on a life with bikes We lived in New Hampshire, I must have been around 5 years old, and we had...

Why we love our folders This weekend we threw out the question on Twitter, what brought you to folding bikes? Here are a couple of answers: "It was love at first sight...

DAHON is looking for the fastest folder in the world Are you ready for DAHON's biggest ever challenge? We've run competitions before, but nothing on this scale. The World Speed Folding...

  A note from a folding bike fan in India "This is Pankaj Patil from Mumbai, India. Nicknamed P.P.O.F. - Pankaj Patil On Foldie. Just thought of expressing my thanks to you...

[gallery ids="24696,24699,24697"]  Ultra-fast vertical folding In 2012 DAHON brought the small and charming Jifo to market. As the name suggests, it was the first to feature Jifold technology that allows the bike...

[gallery ids="24710,24709,24708"] DAHON attends Chinese bike expo A successful Asia Bike just took place at the Nanjing International Expo Center from Oct 9th to 12th, and DAHON was there to woo the...

  24-hour cycle challenge for charity We came across Stefano Dall'Aglio's blog via Twitter, and not only is it a read we think any two-wheeled fanatic would thoroughly enjoy but he is...