

Persuading the world to jump on a folding bike Five rebuttals to common reasons people dismiss cycling in favor of the more fossil-fueled lifestyle: 1. One person cycling won’t make a difference...

  Take your folding bike for a moonlit outing The social side of cycling is yet another of bike-ownership's many benefits (improves fitness, bank balance, carbon footprint, etc. etc.). There are any...

Why pilots love DAHON folding bikes From day one, light aircraft owners and pilots have recognized folding bikes as an essential piece of kit. Dahon graced the cover of Great American Airways...

Brand new folding bike locker scheme DAHON has recently partnered with Best Lockers to develop a bike-share scheme that will make folding bikes even more convenient as the perfect, urban transportation...

Thanks, DAHON! Hello Dahon! We write to you from the midst of a sweltering New York heatwave in which we spend our days huddled desperately around our undersized desk fans as Bailey...

    Folding bike test riding - a grand tour of Spain Starting from Saturday, June 29th Motordealer, distributor for Dahon in Spain will launch their national demo tour, taking 15 Dahon...

   Taking the DAHON Mu N360 to new heights And he's off! Starting this weekend, seasoned adventurer Leon McCarron will be taking on the six highest peaks of Great Britain, cycling from peak...

European Dahon International Distributor Conference   Not all of our valued partners in Europe were able to make it to our Dahon International Distributor Conference in Kuala Lumpur, so to ensure...

Dahon gets stuck into a busy weekend for cycling in New York The beginning of the month was all about NYC for Dahon. May 3rd and 4th played host to Bike...

Dahon offers a brand new Vybe to the folding bike race winner It's Nocturne time again! That time of year when Smithfield Markets in London are taken over by crits, penny...